We each answered 20 questions about our trip so that you could see what we are thinking about and how our answers differ. We wrote them separately and didn’t read each others until after we had completed them. These are all the typical questions that we get when we tell someone about the trip, so this is now a resource we can point everyone to that answers all the questions in one place.
- Are you really going to go through with this RTW trip?
You bet – come tornado – tsunami – or earthquake I am getting on that plane to Hong Kong in March. - What about your job?
I love my current company – and one of the hardest things to leave in Chicago are all of the wonderful people I work with in the city. I am hoping that my job will look at this trip as a chance to improve myself and welcome me back in 2013! But I am also prepared, that with the economy like it is, to come back jobless and have to start at square one. This is a risk that Josh and I have both discussed and strongly believe the risk is worth taking! - How long will you be gone?
9 months is the plan. We are being flexible in that we might have to leave early depending on what flights we can find and when they leave. Our RTW award ticket must be used up with in 12 months – so we have to be back sometime before December 31, 2012. - How can you afford to do this?
Taking a year off to travel is not as expensive as a lot of people think. Yes, you can travel in luxury and pack your schedule with tours and top of the line restaurants, but if you travel simply with mindset of slow travel, your costs can be managed. We are staying away from the more expensive regions such as Europe, Australia/New Zealand and some bigger cities. The cost of living in Southeast Asia and parts of South America are low and Josh and I plan to eat simply, live modestly and not come back with suitcases full of souvenirs (sorry friends).
We have spent the past few years saving ruthlessly and have most recently drastically cut back on our wants to focus on this trip. You realize quickly what you truly need and how easy it is to accumulate stuff. Our budget and spending will be documented and posted on the blog, we encourage you to check it out and start saving for your own RTW! - Where all are you going to visit?
You can check out our basic round the world itinerary. This will probably change a couple more times in the next month, but overall it goes through the main countries we want to hit. We will spend 3-4 months in SE Asia, 1-2 months in Africa and 3-4 months in South America. We are still working on our specific cities. - What about your apartment in Chicago?
If all goes as planned one of my current clients will be taking over our lease in April. This has been one item on our to do list where we have been trusting God throughout all of the planning to come through for us. We have a great apartment in a great location and no worries on renting it out when we leave. We have sent a heads up to our landlord so he knows what to expect come January. - Where are you putting all of your stuff?
With less than 6 months left, we have already begun selling off some of our stuff on Craigslist and have had a lot of luck so far! Without our family knowing we will be sneaking home items such as golf clubs, camping tents, coolers and chairs and hopefully hiding them in their houses for the nine months. Josh’s dad has graciously offered to watch over our 50 inch TV with the stand while we are gone (Thanks Jim). If there is something any of you would like to borrow for 9 months anything and everything is up for bid! We will continue selling off a majority of it and will put the remainder into storage. - How will we be able to keep in touch?
Twitter, Facebook, Skype, Email, Follow our Blog! We are bringing laptops and we will be in touch. We will be tweeting, blogging and emailing during our downtime so no worries we will be very accessible!
I am still questioning the availability and strength of the internet in some of the remote locations we will be staying, so if we fall away for a few weeks, I promise we will be back soon. - What was your inspiration for the trip?
Anyone who knows me, knows that my worst and most expensive habit is traveling. I always have my next trip planned and have a strong desire to experience different cultures and adventures around the world. Despite what Josh thinks, I do read the endless number of articles he sends. One day he sent me a blog explaining how for 140,000 points we could get 1 ticket around the world. We had just recently booked our Thailand trip for this same point value and had 140,000 left to spend. I started reading a lot of other blogs documenting couples and individuals who took time off to travel the world and I was instantly convinced that Josh and I could do it. Here are three of my favorite inspirational blogs that will help encourage you to take a break from your 9 to 5.
Sole Sisters
Nomadic Matt
Almost Fearless
My emotional self one day blurted out in a car ride home, “let’s do it”. Luckily Josh jumped in and logically talked through the pros and cons with me, but no matter what the con was, it wasn’t enough to justify not doing it. There is never going to be a good time, your job will always be there, you will always need more money, life will always continue. The adventure together in this case is worth the risk. - What will you miss most?
Without a doubt I will miss my friends and family. You all are my daily support and strength and I know that you will be on the road with me through every experience! I have listed, and will continue to list things we will miss on this post. - What won’t you miss from home?
I won’t miss television. I won’t miss my daily planner. I won’t miss the piles of unused stuff in my apartment. More on what I won’t miss here. - What are you most nervous for?
I am most nervous for the unknown. I will be very much out of my comfort zone when it comes to our living situation, foods and customs. I am nervous to offend someone on accident, I am nervous to wake up in Africa and see a huge tarantula staring at me, I am nervous for the bathroom situations around the world a.k.a Squat Toilets. - What are you most excited for?
I am most excited for the unknown. I am ready to live out of a small backpack for nine months, realizing the true definitions of needs and wants. I am excited for the idea of new cultures and meeting locals around the world and being thankful for all that I have been blessed with while reaching out to others helping them realize their potential. I am so excited to spread hearts around the world to everyone who touches my heart and moves me. - The world is a dangerous place, will you be safe?
Who knows. Josh and I have traveled together a lot in the past and have had the good fortune of nothing being stolen, or either of us hurt. I am not going to be naive and assume that over the 9 months nothing will happen to us, but I will pray that we stay safe and smart about our travel. We will travel smart, take the right precautions and do our homework before we leave. - Do you think you will get sick of traveling with him?
This is an easy one.. Without Josh as my travel partner I would constantly be lost everywhere I went, I would never slow down and simply enjoy where I am, and I would probably run out of money in the first month. Josh is the logical to my emotional and I love the way we balance each other out while we travel. He loves history and old ruins and I love the people and the food. He loves to slow down and enjoy while I am always going and moving. I am sure we will have our days, but overall having Josh by my side will never get old. - Why didn’t you tell me sooner than now?
Trust me I wanted to scream it out once we decided to move forward with our plans, but we also wanted to cross our t’s and dot our i’s before telling anyone so we were able to answer all of these questions and more.
Now that we are telling you, I ask that you start looking at our itinerary and begin planning which country you are going to come visit us in. - Will I get to say goodbye to you before you leave?
Yes, we will be having a going away get together in Chicago, and one back in Indianapolis as the date gets closer. We will keep you all updated on the when and the where. - What about babies?!
This question is for you mom 🙂 Yes, eventually (maybe) Josh and I will settle down, but right now there is too much to see and experience. No time line, no expectations but for now we are happy with how our life is spanning out, but babies will make an appearance in our story…we promise! - What are your plans when you get back?
We plan on coming back and finding a way to make money and a place to live. - How can I support you while you are gone?
Prayers. Lots of Prayers.
Also check out our donate page if you choose to monetarily support our trip
Any extra money will help us spread more kind acts and hearts around the world, and possibly help us bribe an authority if we do get in a sticky situation.
No need to pack souvenirs to bring back with you- feel free to mail them. You have my address.