This past week, we attended the Meet, Plan, Go Chicago event. My upcoming RTW trip and crazy idea of leaving my Midwest bubble has been validated. I sat in a room of 100 people, all with a passion for traveling and a few who had been through an extended trek around the world. We listened closely to the panelists and learned why they traveled, how they saved, and how we could do the same. Everyone wore a name tag with their next destination listed out, which was a great way to hear fascinating stories of where they had been and where they were going. I love meeting others with the same love of exploring because the conversations aren’t about what your job is and how long you have been doing it, but where you have traveled and what you hope and dream about.
I recently had been wondering if I was doing enough planning and whether we will truly be ready to leave in 2012 (~60 days!). After going though the presentation of how to plan and what to do while you are on the road, my anxiety was eased. I could answer each question for our own trip and I felt that we had done the proper research and preparation. I definitely picked up some tips from the panel on dealing with finances, packing and cultural expectations. With only two months until we leave, this event came at the perfect time for motivation and a push of excitement to get through the last minute todo’s.
I thought the 3 and a 1/2 hour event sounded long, but I could have sat for an entire day and talked travel with those in the room. Getting to meet and talk to other RTW travelers. Only a small handful of us in the room had actually planned a big long term trip, most of the 100 in the room were those with big dreams and hopeful goals in the future. If you think you’re crazy for wanting to step out of the 9 to 5 and experience what all is outside of your 10 mile circle I encourage you to sign up for the next Meet, Plan, Go event near you. Be encouraged that you aren’t the only one with dreams and crazy ideas!
Yay! So glad you guys came and loved it!
I wish we’d gotten to chat…I’d rather chat with new, coo travelers rather than be bogged down hosting! 😉 That’s what our next meet-ups are for!
I hope you can become more involved next year! 🙂
Happy Travels!!
Lisa, We would love to be involved with MPG next year! Maybe we can skype in, since we will likely still be on the road.