How do you plan for an event where you have no idea what to expect?
I have lists upon lists on my computer for each country… need to buy lists… destination lists… vaccinations… budget planners… need I say more? The logical part of me is glad I am embracing these new adventures with preparation and a plan, the other side of me is saying how can you prepare youself for something you know so little about?
I have no idea what to expect when trying to eat in SE asia, or what to do when you are face to face with an elephant in Africa. How cold does it really get at night in Patagonia and is Macchu Picchu truly as spectacular as I have heard? There is a point where trust has to take over. Trusting strangers, trusting your instincts and trusting God that all will be good.
The tabs on my spreadsheet sit mostly empty. Although I know what I should be researching I find myself instead constantly reading blogs of those that are in the midst of their travels. I find myself not taking notes, but entranced by the individual experiences of a variety of cultures. My own travels will be different than what I am reading about online, but there is an excitement in knowing that I will be there soon. I will be walking and eating along the streets of Bali unsure of what to do next, but I will be experiencing life and local culture, studying their habits and jumping on opportunities as they arise.
How do you plan for the unknown? How do you research what you don’t know?
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