Fort Lauderdale is home to our 2011 Work-cation.
Work-cation: A “vacation” meant for getting work done. Characteristics include eliminating outside distractions to complete a project, catching up on needed sleep and hopefully getting out and enjoying yourself.
We are leaving Chicago in less than 30 days and have planned a work-cation in Florida to finalize items on our to-do list, ensure our gear is good to go, and find some quiet before the adventure.

Our basic schedule:
- Workout
- Read outside in the sun
- Work on project items on our laptops
It’s relaxing and productive!
A work-cation doesn’t have to be in any exotic location it could be in your own city, as long as you get away from any distractions and commit to working on your project. (We came to Florida because the hotel and one of the airline tickets were completely free.) On a vacation you might feel guilty sitting inside all day working on your laptop, but when you are strictly working you might never get to complete the items that you need to get done because there are too many interruptions. A work-cation is meant to focus on one particular goal… finish that, and then you can relax and feel no guilt! Tell your friends, co-workers and family members that you will be gone and they will respect your time and hopefully slow down the emails and requests.
Have you ever taken a work-cation? Where did you go and how did you spend yours?
When I used to work with structural concrete design I had to take several work-cations. Alone in a room for hours and hours, phone off, stopping only to eat, sleep and take baths. After some days you need a real vacation.