Dave and Deb wanted to know what changed you? When did travel become not just a break from regular life but a lifestyle? We responded with our own travel inspiration and it’s posted up on The Planet D.
A small excerpt from the post:
It’s 3:30 PM. I’ve already put in 80 hours this week, and it’s only Thursday. My work is finished, but I’m still sitting here. Putting in “face-time.” “Managing expectations.” I’m sitting here, doing nothing because that’s what I’m supposed to do. Despite my moments of brilliance, my hard work, and high ratings, when it comes down to it, I’m a warm body filling a chair. Looking out the window, I’d often envy the construction workers down in the street. “At least they get to be outside,” I’d think to myself.
At least I’m at home every night, even if I don’t get home until it’s actually morning.
Then it was time to travel. Not the fun, exploring, learning about new cultures kind of travel. No, the two hour domestic flight, 3-4 nights in a suburban hotel, eating from chain restaurants every meal type of business travel. It hardly feels like travel once you’ve gone to the same destination every week for an entire year.
At least I’m not working as many hours as I used to, but I’m spending the majority of my week away from the woman I love
So proud of you.