We started doing weekly updates to keep you guys informed on whats going on in the moment..and sometimes we forget about everything by the time the month comes around.
We’ve been on the road now for over 4 months but are just now getting our update out. We have covered a lot of distance this month and done a lot of fast travel which has been exhausting! We are happy to stay put in Bangkok for 2 weeks prior to jetting off to Africa.
The month started in Cambodia and we stuck to mostly the tourist traps sights. We biked through Angkor Wat which was an amazing day of viewing really old temples and fighting the crowds of buses and tour groups. Did I mention the weather was blistering hot? Go prepared with lots of water!
We ran into some major issues with losing our ATM card. Luckily we have our (high-fee) Chase backup. We couldn’t find a working ATM for miles when we traveled from the 4,000 islands to Cambodia but luckily met some new friends on our bus who lent us enough money to get through the border crossing and eat for the day.
We have gotten really good at sleeping on overnight buses. Luckily Vietnam has some of the best overnight buses we’ve been on. They aren’t just seats that recline, but individual beds! I suggest wearing your seat belt if you are on the top bed, the drivers tend to go way over the speed limit and take the turns rather fast!
Three weeks were spent traveling north from Saigon to Hanoi. You haven’t heard much from us about Vietnam, but we will post our favorite parts soon. Hopefully you have checked out all of our Flickr photos.
Recently we have been putting together plans for Africa which we are starting to get really excited about! We leave in a week and are still looking for tips on driving a 4×4 through deep sand. Any idea what to do if an animal approaches our campsite? Josh is practicing his roar. I am sure we will be fine. 🙂
This month we ate crocodile on a skewer, shared a kayak through Halong bay (we usually get our own due to my wandering problem) and guest posted for The Planet D and yTravel Blog. All very exciting for us!
In case you missed it read about how we are able to travel the world for only $346!
Our updated stats (as of May 22):
- Number of days on the road: 120
- Number of countries visited: 7
- Number of beds slept in: 30
- Total miles traveled: 17,367 miles
- Number of flights taken: 5
- Overnight buses/trains: 3
- Amount of time spent in the air: 28 hours
- Number of airport lounges: 3
- Number of times sick: 1 (Josh)
- Blog posts written: 228
- Times washed clothes: 10
- Things stolen/lost: 1 (Schwab card, lost)
- Things broken: 5 (josh flip-flops, hole in pocket, camera, trimmer, headlamp)
- Passport stamps: 20
- Visas: 5
- Hearts given away: 31
Hi Caroline and Josh!
Really fun to read your adventures! This site is a nice way to follow you a little bit.
If you want to watch beautiful and big animals in the see (also called fish), Mozambique is great for diving! That’s where I learned it and got addicted immediately!
Enjoy the rest of your trip and keep posting!
Thanks Fanny! We’re so glad you’re reading. Mozambique was added to the list (maybe not for this trip) after talking with you about it in Gili Air, it sounds amazing. Hope to hear about some of your travels soon!