Peanut Butter, a sugary, high protein, processed treat…yet a highly useful food for any traveler.
The Basic Spoonful – Low on sugar? Dig in! It’s quick, it’s easy and depending on what country you are traveling through its usually relatively cheap. A spoonful of peanut butter is one of the easiest quick fixes to hunger when you are on the road.
Peanut Butter with Bread AKA, the Peanut Butter Sandwich – The classic sandwich that we all grow up on, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich or PB&J. On our traveler’s budget we can’t always splurge on jelly, but a peanut butter sandwich is a staple while traveling.
Peanut Butter with Apple/Banana/Celery – You can’t always just eat peanut butter and bread, you need your fruit and veggie servings too. We personally suggest adding peanut butter to get extra protein to your apples, bananas and celery during the day.
Peanut Butter Smores – Landing Standing introduced us to this as one of their many delicious hostel recipes. With 4 ingredients, a microwave and a freezer you can easily make a yummy dessert on the road.
To Help Cure Hiccups – This isn’t scientifically proven, but a lot of home remedies do suggest swallowing 1 large spoonful to help cure hiccups. The texture of the peanut butter, the stickiness, and the sweetness, helps change the rhythm of your breathing – ideally curing your hiccups!
To Catch a Mouse in your Hostel – Have you ever played the game Mouse Trap? Place a small bit of peanut butter in a make-shift trap. You can use an old box or container and wedge it up with a pencil. Once the mouse goes in to eat the peanut butter the pencil will fall and the mouse will be under the box.
Get Gum Out of Your Hair – Peanut butter massage best explained by Michael Scott himself.
Slip a Crazy Street Dog a Xanax – Your coming home late at night and the same pesky dog in the alley won’t leave you alone. Roll a puppy Xanax in peanut butter and feed it to him before you go out for the night and if all goes well he won’t be bothering you at 3 am when you walk home from the bars.
For Emergency Shaving Cream – The oils in PB are good for the skin! lather on a thin layer of butter and shave away! We aren’t making this up, it’s a thing!
Leather cleaner – Use this when you drop something on someone else’s furniture while you are couchsurfing. Rub the peanut butter in a circular motion, like you would any other cleaning supply and then blot it away to clean the leather. Be prepared, whatever you are cleaning will smell like peanut butter when you are done so I suggest spraying the peanut butter with a slight bit of perfume to help cut the smell.
We want to hear how peanut butter has helped you in your travels…or other foods that are your travel staples!
I relied heavily on peanut butter when I was camping in Alaska. It was raining so often that we couldn’t always build a fire to cook, so we ate lots and lots of peanut butter.
When I was 19, I took an Amtrak to Daytona Beach for a one week trip on a shoestring budget. We ran out of money midway and resorted PB and apples for the last 3 days of the trip. Before the journey home, I called my mom and told her of our plight. When I got home she jokingly served me PB and apples for dinner.
Just checked to see if this post was pubbed April 1st…. SHAVING CREAM!!! Tempted to give it a try :).
When you need it – you know it’s there 🙂 Send us a photo of your Peanut Butter beard!